
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Changing Tides....

So, this has been a crazy past 24 hours for our group!  We have been cramming out papers in preparation to go to rural homestays this coming week- leaving today!  We are all filled with excitement, exhaustion (good thing we can sleep for the 6 hour drive if necessary!), and some fears with the oncoming of new experiences!

Anyways, I planned on sharing more about rafting this past week, but I will share this reflection on presence here in Mukono:

Walking slowly by slowly, one sandal sifting the dirt after the other.
The sun quickly and silently sets, 7:25 pm.
Two men squatting Indian style, either waiting for the day to pass, or rather pleasantly sitting presently together?
A woman, straight-backed and bent at the waist, sweeping dust from dirt in the front of her lean-to fruit shop.
A girl of eight years carrying a bambina in her arms, meandering slowly, her deep brown eyes sneaking a glance at me as she passes.
A boy, stomach bulging from lack of nutrition, bathing himself with cool water from the basin in the public freedom of the outdoors.
“Mzungu, how are you?” the boda driver casually asks.
I am stuck. Westernism. Tradition.
The battle rages.
I have no control.
May the beauty of tradition not be lost.
May my white presence bring appreciation for the present beautiful tradition rather than a destructive need for comfortable change.
The control resides in Your present, faithful hands.

Love you all!  Off to experience rural Uganda, which is what 80% of Ugandans live in... yay!

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