
Friday, January 14, 2011


Here are a few pictures taken throughout travel/meeting the team!  As you glimpse through them pray for some of the group by name! :)

Pray for Calyn and Julia who are on the left along with Amy and AJ who are on the right.
attitude of learning!
Monkies on Monkey Hill/Akara!  Pray for joy and freedom in relating with the children in the next few weeks at Off-Tu Mission and Chain orphanage for the 4 Social Work students: MB, Paige, Rachel, and me. Pray for the children!
This is a group of us walking back from Monkey Hill!  Specifically, in the middle is Erika and Meghan. Pray for assurance and faith as they walk with the Lord in our homestays the next 2 weeks!
This is a group on its way to walk through a small village outside of Mukono.  Pray for Christ's love to be bright in Mukono where witchcraft is common.
"How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news." Pray that we would listen and learn from the good news of Ugandans we cross paths with.  May we encourage one another toward the Lrd!

Thank you for your prayers!  We are off to our homestays this morning! May we connect with our families in humility and learn!
With faith, hope, and LOVE from Uganda,
nicole :)


  1. Thanks for posting the pics sis!! It is great being able to see a glimpse of your experiences in Uganda and I can't wait to hear about your homestay and about working at the orphanage, I am so excited for you!!Love and miss you, I know God is already working through you as well as working through others, such as the children, to teach you more about Him :)

  2. We received the sweetest card and most beautiful painting in the mail last week. Thank you for blessing us so!!!
