
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Uganda Christian University Uniqueness!

Day 6.... and counting :)

We arrived on Uganda Christian University Campus in Mukono (45 min outside of the capital Kampala) last Thursday when we were tired, still on American time, knowing the group of 28 simply through 30 hours or traveling! :). It was great (squished between 2 soon-to-be solid friends, and eating 2 dinners and 2 breakfasts throughout the trip along with ice cream and many cups of apple juice, water, and sprite!)... and I am glad I do not have to do that again for 4 more months! hah.

First, campus life:
1. We live in Honors College- a floor of about 15 girls, half study-abroad girls and half Ugandan/a few Kenyan girls.  I have 2 roommates- Christy and Sammy Jo. :)
2.  I am taking 4 classes: Faith and Action, African Literature, African Traditional Religions, and Social Work Practicum.  They. will. be. GREAT! :)  In Uganda, classes are called lectures and professors are called lecturers.
3.  Breakfast at 7:30, tea at 10:30, lunch at 1, tea at 4:30, and supper at 7! Food: plantains, rice, hard-boiled eggs, beans, pineapple, bananas, maiz, pocho (white potato-like thing!) yum! ...and can't forget malaria pills!

Unique Experiences!: :))))
1. cold showers
2. grasshoppers the size of my pointer finger
3. sleeping under mosquito nets that make me feel like a princess when I wake up! :))
3. cracking gea nuts (like peanuts)
4. walking through Mukono dodging boda-bodas (motorcycles)
5. being called Muzungu more times than I can count- it means "person with light skin"- not a negative term, but more of an observation I think
6. Meeting "A," who is the first woman I met walking around spending time with her family!

Love, sun, and boda-bodas,

1 comment:

  1. Waaa Lady! Thanks a million for this post! I love hearing about your life there. I can picture what it is like for you in some ways and I can't wait to hear your stories from your own mouth! I saw a few pic of your roomies on your fb. They look awesome! Say hi to them for me! Boda-bodas, eh? Wedding-weddings! lol. Sounds like a great daily schedule with lots of good food...except for the grasshoppers! Yikes! love.
